A few weeks ago on Saturday, December 21st my debut album "THE PROPH LP... WELCOME BACK TO HIP HOP" was recognized by THE REBEL ARMY RADIO AWARDS as being the BEST ALBUM. This comes after 2 Lyricist of the year, 1 best new artist, and one album of the year nomination from THE OHIO HIP HOP AWARDS didn't pan out for me. Shout to my man Gezuz Zaire for making the event possible. big thanks to any of you who copped the joint.
After several stellar reviews from Local publications and blog sites it was dope to finally grab some hardware. the album can be Purchased directly form http://www.myspace.com/prophtheproblem through paypal. Cop that and see what the hype is about.
Labels: album of the year, best lp, rebel army radio awards